
Lavacharts abstracts Google's Javascript Chart API to PHP

  • The Lavachart library takes away the need for manual writing of Javascript in your views
  • The library wraps the work of generating the proper Javascript, so you can focus on the data and not the JS in page.
  • Configuration is intuitive and easy to follow since it correlates 1:1 with the Google Chart API.
  • Designed to work with any PHP project, but some bonus features were added for Laravel users.
  • Laravel specific features include: A ServiceProvider, Facade, and Blade template extensions.

Found a bug? Have an issue? Come visit the project on Github and let me know.


Get up and running within minutes, using the PHP package manager, Composer.

Click Here to check out Composer, if you haven't heard of it

With Composer

First, copy this line into your project's composer.json file, in the "require": {} section

"khill/lavacharts" : "2.5.*"

Next, run composer to download and install
composer update

Finally, require 'vendor/autoload.php'; in your project and you are good to go!


If you are using Laravel...

Do not require the vendor/autoload.php file, since Laravel takes care of that.

And also, register the service provider by adding this line to the providers array in app/config/app.php


Don't worry about adding the class alias, it is loaded automatically.

Remember, while using Laravel, replace $lava-> with Lava::

Manual (Non Composer)

First, grab the most recent copy of the source from Github using the this link:

You will also need to get a copy of the Carbon Library since it is a dependency of DataTables.

Then, include Carbon and Lavacharts and create a new instance.

include(/* path to unzipped carbon archive */ . '/src/Carbon/Carbon.php')
include(/* path to unzipped lavacharts archive */ . '/src/Lavacharts.php');

use \Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts;


  • Getting up and running with Lavacharts is a breeze and you can follow along with these easy steps to get you going.
  • You can also view the examples if you want to dive right in and look under the hood.
  • These steps will show you how to put a simple line chart into your project.


Creating a new DataTable

The following is a simple example, just to get you up and running.

For an in-depth look at DataTables, Click Here or use the link from the menu.

  • First, create a new DataTable object using the method from Lavcharts.
  • Next, add some columns, defining the structure of the chart's data.
    • addDateColumn($description) for dates
    • addNumberColumn($description) for numbers
    • addStringColumn($description) for strings
  • In this example, the first column is the horizontal axis, then then next two columns are the two sets of data.
  • The addRow() method signature, follows the order in which the columns were added.
    So here, data[0] is for 'day', data[1] is for 'projected' and data[2] is for 'official'
$stocksTable = $lava->DataTable();  // Lava::DataTable() if using Laravel

$stocksTable->addDateColumn('Day of Month')

// Random Data For Example
for ($a = 1; $a < 30; $a++)
    $rowData = array(
      "2014-8-$a", rand(800,1000), rand(800,1000)


Creating a Chart

  • Select which chart you will be generating.
  • Assign the chart a label.
  • Assign the datatable to the chart.
  • Continue on to render the chart.
$chart = $lava->LineChart('myFancyChart');  // Lava::LineChart() if using Laravel


// You could also pass an associative array to setOptions() method
// $chart->setOptions(array(
//   'datatable' => $stocksTable
// ));


Rendering the chart

There are two ways to get your chart to display on your page.

  1. The library will generate only the javascript, and render into a div with a set elementId
  2. The library will generate everything you need, div and javascript.

Syntax: render(chartType, chartLabel, elementId [, bool | array(height, width)])

// Example #1, output into a div you already created
// <div id="myStocks"></div>
echo $lava->render('LineChart', 'myFancyChart', 'myStocks');

// Example #2, have the library create the div
echo $lava->render('LineChart', 'myFancyChart', 'myStocks', true);

// Example #3, have the library create the div with a fixed size
echo $lava->render('LineChart', 'myFancyChart', 'myStocks', array('height'=>300, 'width'=>600));

Alternatively, the render method is available from the Chart object as well, bypassing the need for inputing the type and title of the chart.

// After creating the chart with $linechart = $lava->LineChart() or any other type,
// pass the Chart object to your view and call the render method with a div's elementId
echo $linechart->render('myStocks');



These are the methods available via the main Lavacharts class.

This method with output the script tag to the google jsapi, along with some core javascript for lavacharts.

Use with Angular so the script tag is not placed inside an ng-view and can be manually placed in the header.

If you do not need manual placement, ignore this method and the render methods will automatically add the script tags.

jsapi() returns String
render( string $chartType, string $chartLabel, string $divId[, bool $div | array $divDimensions ] ) returns String

DataTable( [string $timezone] ) returns DataTable

Any valid chart object, capitalized: LineChart, BarChart, PieChart, etc...

*Chart( string $title ) returns Chart

Any valid config object, capitalized: TextStyle, HorizontalAxis, Annotation, etc...

*( array $options ) returns ConfigObject

Any valid format object, capitalized: DateFormat, NumberFormat

*( array $options ) returns Format

Any valid event object, capitalized: Ready, MouseOver, etc...

*( string $callback ) returns Event



There are many ways to add columns to the DataTable, using strings, arrays, or an array of arrays.

  • Type - Defines the type of data that will be in the column.
  • colDesc - The description of the column. (optional)
  • colLabel - A label used to access specific columns. (optional)
  • format - The desired format for the column. (optional)
addColumn( string $type [, string $colDesc [, string $colLabel [, Format $format ]]] ) returns DataTable
addColumn( array( string $type [, string $colDesc [, string $colLabel [, Format $format ]]]) ) returns DataTable
addColumns( array( /* of column arrays, see above */ ) ) returns DataTable

Also provided are simplified, alias methods, which will automatically fill the type and colLabel.

  • Note: The first columns label with be "col_1", then "col_2", etc.
addDateColumn( string $colDesc [, Format $format ] ) returns DataTable
addNumberColumn( string $colDesc [, Format $format ] ) returns DataTable
addStringColumn( string $colDesc ) returns DataTable

Other column related methods

getColumns() returns array
getNumberOfColumns() returns int


Add rows either by chaining the single row command, or batch adding with the addRows() method.

  • Note: Each row array added, must have the same number of data points as the number of columns.
addRow( array( $c1 [, $c2 [, $cN ]]) ) returns DataTable
addRows( array( /* of row arrays, see above */ ) ) returns DataTable

Other row related methods

getRows() returns array
getNumberOfRows() returns int


Columns can have formats applied so the data/labels will be shown according to the format definition. The two available are:

  • DateFormat
  • NumberFormat

All of the methods return the Format object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Format's constructor

Formats are created the same way as ConfigObjects


formatType( string $ft ) returns Format
pattern( string $p ) returns Format
timezone( string $tz ) returns Format

Explanations of the methods can be found in Google's Documentation


decimalSymbol( string $ds ) returns Format
fractionDigits( int $fd ) returns Format
groupingSymbol( string $gs ) returns Format
negativeColor( string $nc ) returns Format
negativeParens( bool $np ) returns Format
pattern( string $p ) returns Format
prefix( string $p ) returns Format
suffix( string $s ) returns Format

Explanations of the methods can be found in Google's Documentation

Utility Methods

Set the timezone to be used for Date columns, defaults to America/Los_Angeles

setTimezone( string $tz ) returns DataTable

If using string dates, maybe to represent only years such as "2000" and they are not being interpreted correctly, then use this method to set the format string for the whole DataTable.

Use a format string following the DateTime format

setDateTimeFormat( string $dtf ) returns DataTable

Get the JSON representation of a DataTable, useful for reloading charts via AJAX. (See Example)

toJson() returns JSON Object


Select a chart from the dropdown menu to see the different configuration methods / options available.

All of the methods below are also available to all of the charts, as the each extend the parent Chart

Parent Chart

All of the methods (except for setOptions) return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

datatable(Datatable $dt) returns Chart
setOptions(array $options) returns Chart
backgroundColor(BackgroundColor $bgc) returns Chart
chartArea(ChartArea $ca) returns Chart
colors(array $c) returns Chart
events() returns Chart
fontSize(int $fs) returns Chart
fontName(string $fn) returns Chart
height(int $h) returns Chart
legend(Legend $l) returns Chart
title(string $t) returns Chart
titlePosition(string $tp) returns Chart
titleTextStyle(TextStyle $ts) returns Chart
tooltip(Tooltip $t) returns Chart
width(int $w) returns Chart
getDataTableJson() returns JSON Object


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

axisTitlesPosition(string $atp) returns Chart
curveType(string $c) returns Chart
hAxis(HorizontalAxis $ha) returns Chart
interpolateNulls(bool $in) returns Chart
lineWidth(int $lw) returns Chart
pointSize(int $ps) returns Chart
vAxis(VerticalAxis $va) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

areaOpacity(float $ao) returns Chart
axisTitlesPosition(string $atp) returns Chart
hAxis(HorizontalAxis $ha) returns Chart
interpolateNulls(bool $in) returns Chart
lineWidth(int $lw) returns Chart
pointSize(int $ps) returns Chart
vAxis(VerticalAxis $va) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

annotations(Annotation $a) returns Chart
axisTitlesPosition(string $atp) returns Chart
barGroupWidth(int | string /* representing a percent */ $bgw) returns Chart
dataOpacity(float $do) returns Chart
enableInteractivity(bool $ei) returns Chart
focusTarget(string $ft) returns Chart
forceIFrame(bool $fif) returns Chart
hAxes(array /* of HorizontalAxis objects */ $va) returns Chart
hAxis(HorizontalAxis $ha) returns Chart
orientation(string $o) returns Chart
isStacked(bool $is) returns Chart
reverseCategories(bool $rc) returns Chart
series(array /* of Series objects */ $s) returns Chart
theme(string $t) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

axisTitlesPosition(string $atp) returns Chart
barGroupWidth(int | string /* representing a percent */ $bgw) returns Chart
hAxis(HorizontalAxis $ha) returns Chart
isStacked(bool $is) returns Chart
pointSize(int $ps) returns Chart
vAxis(VerticalAxis $va) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

annotations(Annotation $a) returns Chart
areaOpacity(float $ao) returns Chart
axisTitlesPosition(string $atp) returns Chart
barGroupWidth(int | string /* representing a percent */ $bgw) returns Chart
hAxis(HorizontalAxis $ha) returns Chart
isStacked(bool $is) returns Chart
series(array /* of Series objects */ $s) returns Chart
seriesType(string $s) returns Chart
vAxes(array /* of VerticalAxis objects */ $va) returns Chart
vAxis(VerticalAxis $va) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

is3D(bool $i) returns Chart
slices(array /* of Slice objects */ $s) returns Chart
pieSliceBorderColor(string $psbc) returns Chart
pieSliceText(string $pst) returns Chart
pieSliceTextStyle(TextStyle $psts) returns Chart
pieStartAngle(int $psa) returns Chart
reverseCategories(bool $rc) returns Chart
sliceVisibilityThreshold(int | float $svt) returns Chart
pieResidueSliceColor(string $prsc) returns Chart
pieResidueSliceLabel(string $prsl) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


The donut chart extends the pie chart with one extra method

All the configuration options are the same as the pie chart.

pieHole(float $ph) returns Chart


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

colorAxis(ColorAxis $ca) returns Chart
datalessRegionColor(string $drc) returns Chart
displayMode(string $dm) returns Chart
enableRegionInteractivity(bool $eri) returns Chart
keepAspectRatio(bool $kar) returns Chart
region(string $r) returns Chart
magnifyingGlass(MagnifyingGlass $mg) returns Chart
markerOpacity(float $mo) returns Chart
resolution(string $r) returns Chart
sizeAxis(SizeAxis $sa) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

cellColor(Stroke $cc) returns Chart
cellSize(int $cs) returns Chart
dayOfWeekLabel(TextStyle $l) returns Chart
dayOfWeekRightSpace(int $s) returns Chart
daysOfWeek(string $dow) returns Chart
focusedCellColor(Stroke $fcc) returns Chart
monthLabel(TextStyle $ml) returns Chart
monthOutlineColor(Stroke $moc) returns Chart
underMonthSpace(int $ums) returns Chart
underYearSpace(int $uys) returns Chart
unusedMonthOutlineColor(Stroke $umoc) returns Chart
colorAxis(ColorAxis $ca) returns Chart
forceIFrame(bool $fif) returns Chart
noDataPattern(Color $c) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs


All of the methods return the Chart to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the chart's setOptions() method

forceIFrame(bool $fif) returns Chart
greenColor(string $gc) returns Chart
greenFrom(int $gf) returns Chart
greenTo(int $gt) returns Chart
majorTicks(array $mt) returns Chart
max(int $m) returns Chart
min(int $m) returns Chart
minorTicks(int $mt) returns Chart
redColor(string $rc) returns Chart
redFrom(int $rf) returns Chart
redTo(int $rt) returns Chart
yellowColor(string $yc) returns Chart
yellowFrom(int $yf) returns Chart
yellowTo(int $yt) returns Chart

Explanations for each configuration option can be found in Google's Config Docs

LineChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$temperatures = $lava->DataTable();

             ->addNumberColumn('Max Temp')
             ->addNumberColumn('Mean Temp')
             ->addNumberColumn('Min Temp')
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-1', 67, 65, 62))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-2', 68, 65, 61))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-3', 68, 62, 55))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-4', 72, 62, 52))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-5', 61, 54, 47))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-6', 70, 58, 45))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-7', 74, 70, 65))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-8', 75, 69, 62))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-9', 69, 63, 56))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-10', 64, 58, 52))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-11', 59, 55, 50))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-12', 65, 56, 46))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-13', 66, 56, 46))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-14', 75, 70, 64))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-15', 76, 72, 68))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-16', 71, 66, 60))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-17', 72, 66, 60))
             ->addRow(array('2014-10-18', 63, 62, 62));

$linechart = $lava->LineChart('Temps')
                  ->title('Weather in October');

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $linechart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="temps_div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $linechart->render('temps_div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('LineChart', 'Temps', 'temps_div') ?>


<div id="temps_div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('LineChart', 'Temps', 'temps_div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@linechart('Temps', 'temps_div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.LineChart.Temps.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.LineChart.Temps;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"date","label":"Date"},{"type":"number","label":"Max Temp"},{"type":"number","label":"Mean Temp"},{"type":"number","label":"Min Temp"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,1,0,0,0)},{"v":67},{"v":65},{"v":62}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,2,0,0,0)},{"v":68},{"v":65},{"v":61}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,3,0,0,0)},{"v":68},{"v":62},{"v":55}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,4,0,0,0)},{"v":72},{"v":62},{"v":52}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,5,0,0,0)},{"v":61},{"v":54},{"v":47}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,6,0,0,0)},{"v":70},{"v":58},{"v":45}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,7,0,0,0)},{"v":74},{"v":70},{"v":65}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,8,0,0,0)},{"v":75},{"v":69},{"v":62}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,9,0,0,0)},{"v":69},{"v":63},{"v":56}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,10,0,0,0)},{"v":64},{"v":58},{"v":52}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,11,0,0,0)},{"v":59},{"v":55},{"v":50}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,12,0,0,0)},{"v":65},{"v":56},{"v":46}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,13,0,0,0)},{"v":66},{"v":56},{"v":46}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,14,0,0,0)},{"v":75},{"v":70},{"v":64}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,15,0,0,0)},{"v":76},{"v":72},{"v":68}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,16,0,0,0)},{"v":71},{"v":66},{"v":60}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,17,0,0,0)},{"v":72},{"v":66},{"v":60}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,9,18,0,0,0)},{"v":63},{"v":62},{"v":62}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"title":"Weather in October"};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

AreaChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$population = $lava->DataTable();

           ->addNumberColumn('Number of People')
           ->addRow(array('2006', 623452))
           ->addRow(array('2007', 685034))
           ->addRow(array('2008', 716845))
           ->addRow(array('2009', 757254))
           ->addRow(array('2010', 778034))
           ->addRow(array('2011', 792353))
           ->addRow(array('2012', 839657))
           ->addRow(array('2013', 842367))
           ->addRow(array('2014', 873490));

$areachart = $lava->AreaChart('Population')
                    'datatable' => $population,
                    'title' => 'Population Growth',
                    'legend' => $lava->Legend(array(
                      'position' => 'in'

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $areachart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="pop_div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $areachart->render('pop_div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('AreaChart', 'Population', 'pop_div') ?>


<div id="pop_div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('AreaChart', 'Population', 'pop_div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@areachart('Population', 'pop_div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.AreaChart = {"Population":{chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]}};

if (!document.getElementById('chart')){console.error('[Lavaharts] No matching element was found with ID "chart"');}

lava.charts.AreaChart.Population.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.AreaChart.Population;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"date","label":"Year","id":"date"},{"type":"number","label":"Number of People","id":"pop"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,6,0)},{"v":623452}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,7,0)},{"v":685034}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,8,0)},{"v":716845}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,9,0)},{"v":757254}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,10,0)},{"v":778034}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,11,0)},{"v":792353}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,12,0)},{"v":839657}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,13,0)},{"v":842367}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,14,0)},{"v":873490}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"title":"Population Growth","legend":{"position":"in"}};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

BarChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$votes  = $lava->DataTable();

$votes->addStringColumn('Food Poll')
      ->addRow(array('Tacos', rand(1000,5000)))
      ->addRow(array('Salad', rand(1000,5000)))
      ->addRow(array('Pizza', rand(1000,5000)))
      ->addRow(array('Apples', rand(1000,5000)))
      ->addRow(array('Fish', rand(1000,5000)));

         'datatable' => $votes

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $barchart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="poll_div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $barchart->render('poll_div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('BarChart', 'Food Poll', 'poll_div') ?>


<div id="poll_div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('BarChart', 'Food Poll', 'poll_div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@barchart('Food Poll', 'poll_div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.BarChart["Votes"] = {chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]};

if (!document.getElementById("chart")){console.error("[Lavacharts] No matching element was found with ID \"chart\"");}

lava.charts.BarChart["Votes"].draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.BarChart["Votes"];

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"string","label":"Food"},{"type":"number","label":"Votes"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"Tacos"},{"v":1448}]},{"c":[{"v":"Salad"},{"v":2690}]},{"c":[{"v":"Pizza"},{"v":3353}]},{"c":[{"v":"Apples"},{"v":4465}]},{"c":[{"v":"Fish"},{"v":3231}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = [];

$this.chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById("chart"));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

ColumnChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$finances = $lava->DataTable();

         ->addRow(array('2004', 1000, 400))
         ->addRow(array('2005', 1170, 460))
         ->addRow(array('2006', 660, 1120))
         ->addRow(array('2007', 1030, 54));

$columnchart = $lava->ColumnChart('Finances')
                      'datatable' => $finances,
                      'title' => 'Company Performance',
                      'titleTextStyle' => $lava->TextStyle(array(
                        'color' => '#eb6b2c',
                        'fontSize' => 14

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $columnchart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="perf_div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $columnchart->render('perf_div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('ColumnChart', 'Finances', 'perf_div') ?>


<div id="perf_div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('ColumnChart', 'Finances', 'perf_div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@columnchart('Finances', 'perf_div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.AreaChart = {"Population":{chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]}};

if (!document.getElementById('chart')){console.error('[Lavaharts] No matching element was found with ID "chart"');}

lava.charts.AreaChart.Population.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.AreaChart.Population;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"date","label":"Year","id":"date"},{"type":"number","label":"Number of People","id":"pop"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,6,0)},{"v":623452}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,7,0)},{"v":685034}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,8,0)},{"v":716845}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,9,0)},{"v":757254}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,10,0)},{"v":778034}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,11,0)},{"v":792353}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,12,0)},{"v":839657}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,13,0)},{"v":842367}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,11,19,20,14,0)},{"v":873490}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"title":"Population Growth","legend":{"position":"in"}};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.AreaChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

ComboChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$finances = $lava->DataTable();

         ->addNumberColumn('Net Worth')
         ->addRow(array('2009-1-1', 1100, 490, 1324))
         ->addRow(array('2010-1-1', 1000, 400, 1524))
         ->addRow(array('2011-1-1', 1400, 450, 1351))
         ->addRow(array('2012-1-1', 1250, 600, 1243))
         ->addRow(array('2013-1-1', 1100, 550, 1462));

$combochart = $lava->ComboChart('Finances')
                     'datatable' => $finances,
                     'title' => 'Company Performance',
                     'titleTextStyle' => $lava->TextStyle(array(
                       'color' => 'rgb(123, 65, 89)',
                       'fontSize' => 16
                     'legend' => $lava->Legend(array(
                       'position' => 'in'
                     'seriesType' => 'bars',
                     'series' => array(
                       2 => $lava->Series(array(
                         'type' => 'line'
// Note: In the series config, '2' correlates to the 3rd horizontal axis dataset.
// The DateColumn is the VerticalAxis, so 'Net Worth' is the 3rd, key 2, in the series.

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $combochart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="finances-div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $combochart->render('finances-div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('ComboChart', 'Finances', 'finances-div') ?>


<div id="finances-div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('ComboChart', 'Finances', 'finances-div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@combochart('Finances', 'finances-div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.ColumnChart = {"Finances":{chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]}};

if (!document.getElementById('chart')){console.error('[Lavaharts] No matching element was found with ID "chart"');}

lava.charts.ColumnChart.Finances.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.ColumnChart.Finances;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"date","label":"Year"},{"type":"number","label":"Sales"},{"type":"number","label":"Expenses"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":new Date(2004,11,19,22,34,51)},{"v":1000},{"v":400}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2005,11,19,22,34,51)},{"v":1170},{"v":460}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2006,11,19,22,34,51)},{"v":660},{"v":1120}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2007,11,19,22,34,51)},{"v":1030},{"v":54}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"title":"Company Performance","titleTextStyle":{"color":"#eb6b2c","fontSize":14}};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

PieChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$reasons = $lava->DataTable();

        ->addRow(array('Check Reviews', 5))
        ->addRow(array('Watch Trailers', 2))
        ->addRow(array('See Actors Other Work', 4))
        ->addRow(array('Settle Argument', 89));

$piechart = $lava->PieChart('IMDB')
                   'datatable' => $reasons,
                   'title' => 'Reasons I visit IMDB',
                   'is3D' => true,
                     'slices' => array(
                          'offset' => 0.2
                          'offset' => 0.25
                          'offset' => 0.3

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $piechart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="chart-div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $piechart->render('chart-div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('PieChart', 'IMDB', 'chart-div') ?>


<div id="chart-div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('PieChart', 'IMDB', 'chart-div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@piechart('IMDB', 'chart-div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.PieChart = {"IMDB":{chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]}};

if (!document.getElementById('chart')){console.error('[Lavaharts] No matching element was found with ID "chart"');}

lava.charts.PieChart.IMDB.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.PieChart.IMDB;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"string","label":"Reasons"},{"type":"number","label":"Percent"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"Check Reviews"},{"v":5}]},{"c":[{"v":"Watch Trailers"},{"v":2}]},{"c":[{"v":"See Actors Other Work"},{"v":4}]},{"c":[{"v":"Settle Argument"},{"v":89}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"title":"Reasons I visit IMDB","is3D":true,"slices":[{"offset":0.2},{"offset":0.25},{"offset":0.3}]};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

DonutChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$reasons = $lava->DataTable();

        ->addRow(array('Check Reviews', 5))
        ->addRow(array('Watch Trailers', 2))
        ->addRow(array('See Actors Other Work', 4))
        ->addRow(array('Settle Argument', 89));

$donutchart = $lava->DonutChart('IMDB')
                     'datatable' => $reasons,
                     'title' => 'Reasons I visit IMDB'

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $donutchart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="chart-div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $donutchart->render('IMDB', 'chart-div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('DonutChart', 'IMDB', 'chart-div') ?>


<div id="chart-div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('DonutChart', 'IMDB', 'chart-div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@donutchart('IMDB', 'chart-div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.DonutChart = {"IMDB":{chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]}};

if (!document.getElementById('chart')){console.error('[Lavaharts] No matching element was found with ID "chart"');}

lava.charts.DonutChart.IMDB.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.DonutChart.IMDB;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"string","label":"Reasons"},{"type":"number","label":"Percent"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"Check Reviews"},{"v":5}]},{"c":[{"v":"Watch Trailers"},{"v":2}]},{"c":[{"v":"See Actors Other Work"},{"v":4}]},{"c":[{"v":"Settle Argument"},{"v":89}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"pieHole":0.5,"title":"Reasons I visit IMDB"};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.PieChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['corechart']});

GeoChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$popularity = $lava->DataTable();

           ->addRow(array('Germany', 200))
           ->addRow(array('United States', 300))
           ->addRow(array('Brazil', 400))
           ->addRow(array('Canada', 500))
           ->addRow(array('France', 600))
           ->addRow(array('RU', 700));

$geochart = $lava->GeoChart('Popularity')
                   'datatable' => $popularity

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $geochart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="pop-div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $geochart->render('pop-div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('GeoChart', 'Popularity', 'pop-div') ?>


<div id="pop-div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('GeoChart', 'Popularity', 'pop-div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@geochart('Popularity', 'pop-div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.GeoChart = {"Popularity":{chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]}};

if (!document.getElementById('chart')){console.error('[Lavaharts] No matching element was found with ID "chart"');}

lava.charts.GeoChart.Popularity.draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.GeoChart.Popularity;

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"string","label":"Country"},{"type":"number","label":"Popularity"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"Germany"},{"v":200}]},{"c":[{"v":"United States"},{"v":300}]},{"c":[{"v":"Brazil"},{"v":400}]},{"c":[{"v":"Canada"},{"v":500}]},{"c":[{"v":"France"},{"v":600}]},{"c":[{"v":"RU"},{"v":700}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = [];

$this.chart = new google.visualization.GeoChart(document.getElementById('chart'));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['geochart']});

CalendarChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$sales = $lava->DataTable();


foreach (range(2, 5) as $month) {
    for ($a=0; $a < 20; $a++) {
        $day = rand(1, 30);
        $sales->addRow(array("2014-${month}-${day}", rand(0,100)));

$calendarchart = $lava->CalendarChart('Sales')
                          'datatable' => $sales,
                          'title' => 'Cars Sold',
                          'unusedMonthOutlineColor' => $lava->Stroke(array(
                              'stroke'        => '#ECECEC',
                              'strokeOpacity' => 0.75,
                              'strokeWidth'   => 1
                          'dayOfWeekLabel' => $lava->TextStyle(array(
                              'color' => '#4f5b0d',
                              'fontSize' => 16,
                              'italic' => true
                          'noDataPattern' => $lava->Color(array(
                              'color' => '#DDD',
                              'backgroundColor' => '#11FFFF'
                          'colorAxis' => $lava->ColorAxis(array(
                              'values' => array(0, 100),
                              'colors' => array('black', 'green')

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $calendarchart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="sales_div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $calendarchart->render('sales_div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('CalendarChart', 'Sales', 'sales_div') ?>


<div id="sales_div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('CalendarChart', 'Sales', 'sales_div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@calendarchart('Sales', 'sales_div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.CalendarChart["Sales"] = {chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]};

if (!document.getElementById("chart")){console.error("[Lavacharts] No matching element was found with ID \"chart\"");}

lava.charts.CalendarChart["Sales"].draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.CalendarChart["Sales"];

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"date","label":"Date"},{"type":"number","label":"Orders"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,28,0,0,0)},{"v":33}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,11,0,0,0)},{"v":27}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,7,0,0,0)},{"v":96}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,18,0,0,0)},{"v":96}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,14,0,0,0)},{"v":76}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,21,0,0,0)},{"v":25}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,24,0,0,0)},{"v":57}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,13,0,0,0)},{"v":79}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,17,0,0,0)},{"v":20}]},
/* Some data omitted for brevity */
{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,20,0,0,0)},{"v":17}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,5,0,0,0)},{"v":59}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,11,0,0,0)},{"v":83}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,26,0,0,0)},{"v":6}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,7,0,0,0)},{"v":37}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,1,23,0,0,0)},{"v":4}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,2,1,0,0,0)},{"v":69}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,3,0,0,0)},{"v":67}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,21,0,0,0)},{"v":53}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,28,0,0,0)},{"v":9}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,10,0,0,0)},{"v":21}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,9,0,0,0)},{"v":24}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,27,0,0,0)},{"v":55}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,15,0,0,0)},{"v":44}]},{"c":[{"v":new Date(2014,4,9,0,0,0)},{"v":78}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"calendar":{"unusedMonthOutlineColor":{"stroke":"#ECECEC","strokeOpacity":0.75,"strokeWidth":1},"dayOfWeekLabel":{"color":"#4f5b0d","fontSize":16,"italic":true}},"title":"Cars Sold","noDataPattern":{"color":"#DDD","backgroundColor":"#11FFFF"},"colorAxis":{"values":[0,100],"colors":["black","green"]}};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.Calendar(document.getElementById("chart"));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1.1', {'packages':['calendar']});

GaugeChart Example


use Khill\Lavacharts\Lavacharts;

$lava = new Lavacharts; // See note below for Laravel

$temps = $lava->DataTable();

      ->addRow(array('CPU', rand(0,100)))
      ->addRow(array('Case', rand(0,100)))
      ->addRow(array('Graphics', rand(0,100)));

         'datatable' => $temps,
         'width' => 400,
         'greenFrom' => 0,
         'greenTo' => 69,
         'yellowFrom' => 70,
         'yellowTo' => 89,
         'redFrom' => 90,
         'redTo' => 100,
         'majorTicks' => array(

For Laravel, omit "$lava = new Lavacharts" and replace "$lava->" with "Lava::"

Otherwise, pass $gaugechart or $lava to your view to render.



<div id="temps_div"></div>
// With the chart object
<? echo $gaugechart->render('temps_div') ?>

// With the lava object
<? echo $lava->render('GaugeChart', 'Temps', 'temps_div') ?>


<div id="temps_div"></div>
// With Lava class alias
<? echo Lava::render('GaugeChart', 'Temps', 'temps_div') ?>

// With Blade Templates
@gaugechart('Temps', 'temps_div')

Rendered Chart

Javascript Output

lava.charts.GaugeChart["Temps"] = {chart:null,draw:null,data:null,options:null,formats:[]};

if (!document.getElementById("chart")){console.error("[Lavacharts] No matching element was found with ID \"chart\"");}

lava.charts.GaugeChart["Temps"].draw = function() {
var $this = lava.charts.GaugeChart["Temps"];

$ = new google.visualization.DataTable({"cols":[{"type":"string","label":"Type"},{"type":"number","label":"Value"}],"rows":[{"c":[{"v":"CPU"},{"v":65}]},{"c":[{"v":"Case"},{"v":86}]},{"c":[{"v":"Graphics"},{"v":11}]}]}, 0.6);

$this.options = {"width":400,"greenFrom":0,"greenTo":69,"yellowFrom":70,"yellowTo":89,"redFrom":90,"redTo":100,"majorTicks":["Safe","Critical"]};

$this.chart = new google.visualization.Gauge(document.getElementById("chart"));

$this.chart.draw($, $this.options);

google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages':['gauge']});

Configuration Options

How To Use

All of the config methods return themselves to enable the chaining of options.

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Config's constructor


    'color' => '#F4C6B2',
    'fontName' => 'Arial',
    'fontSize' => 16




    'color' => '#F4C6B2',
    'fontName' => 'Arial',
    'fontSize' => 16


All of the methods return the Annotation object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Annotation's constructor

highContrast(bool $hc) returns Annotation
textStyle(TextStyle $ts) returns Annotation


All of the methods return the BackgroundColor object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the BackgroundColor's constructor

stroke(string $s) returns BackgroundColor
strokeWidth(int $sw) returns BackgroundColor
fill(string $f) returns BackgroundColor


All of the methods return the BoxStyle object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the BoxStyle's constructor

stroke(string $s) returns BoxStyle
strokeWidth(int $sw) returns BoxStyle
rx(int $rx) returns BoxStyle
ry(int $ry) returns BoxStyle
gradient(Gradient $g) returns BoxStyle


All of the methods return the ChartArea object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the ChartArea's constructor

left(int $l) returns ChartArea
top(int $t) returns ChartArea
width(int $w) returns ChartArea
height(int $h) returns ChartArea


All of the methods return the Color object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Color's constructor

color(string $c) returns Color
backgroundColor(string $bc) returns Color


All of the methods return the ColorAxis object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the ColorAxis's constructor

minValue(int $mv) returns ColorAxis
maxValue(int $mv) returns ColorAxis
values(array $v) returns ColorAxis
colors(array $c) returns ColorAxis


All of the methods return the Gradient object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Gradient's constructor

color1(string $c1) returns Gradient
color2(string $c2) returns Gradient
x1(string /* representing a percent */ $rx) returns Gradient
y1(string /* representing a percent */ $rx) returns Gradient
x2(string /* representing a percent */ $rx) returns Gradient
y2(string /* representing a percent */ $rx) returns Gradient


All of the methods return the HorizontalAxis object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the HorizontalAxis's constructor

allowContainerBoundaryTextCutoff(bool $acbtc) returns HorizontalAxis
baselineColor(string $blc) returns VerticalAxis
direction(int $d) returns HorizontalAxis
format(string $f) returns HorizontalAxis
gridlines(array $g) returns HorizontalAxis
minorGridlines(array $mg) returns HorizontalAxis
logScale(bool $ls) returns HorizontalAxis
textPosition(string $tp) returns HorizontalAxis
title(string $t) returns HorizontalAxis
titleTextStyle(TextStyle $tts) returns HorizontalAxis
maxAlternation(int $ma) returns HorizontalAxis
maxTextLines(int $mtl) returns HorizontalAxis
maxValue(int $mv) returns HorizontalAxis
minValue(int $mv) returns HorizontalAxis
showTextEvery(int $ste) returns HorizontalAxis
slantedText(bool $st) returns HorizontalAxis
slantedTextAngle(int $sta) returns HorizontalAxis
viewWindowMode(string $vwm) returns HorizontalAxis
viewWindow(array $vw) returns HorizontalAxis


All of the methods return the Legend object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Legend's constructor

position(string $p) returns Legend
alignment(string $a) returns Legend
textStyle(TextStyle $ts) returns Legend


The MagnifyingGlass object is created by passing an int to the constructor to set the ZoomFactor

The default zoomFactor is 5, and can also be set with the named method.

zoomFactor(int $zf) returns MagnifyingGlass


All of the methods return the Series object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Series's constructor

annotation(Annotation $a) returns Series
curveType(string $ct) returns Series
seriesTargetAxis(string $sta) returns Series
textStyle(TextStyle $ts) returns Series
type(string $t) returns Series


All of the methods return the SizeAxis object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the SizeAxis's constructor

maxSize(int $ms) returns SizeAxis
maxValue(int $mv) returns SizeAxis
minSize(int $ms) returns SizeAxis
minValue(int $mv) returns SizeAxis


All of the methods return the Slice object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Slice's constructor

color(string $c) returns Slice
offset(string $o) returns Slice
textStyle(TextStyle $ts) returns Slice


All of the methods return the Stroke object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Stroke's constructor

stroke(string $s) returns Stroke
strokeOpacity(float $so) returns Stroke
strokeWidth(int $sw) returns Stroke


All of the methods return the TextStyle object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the TextStyle's constructor

color(string $c) returns TextStyle
fontName(string $fn) returns TextStyle
fontSize(string $fs) returns TextStyle


All of the methods return the Tooltip object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the Tooltip's constructor

showColorCode(bool $scc) returns Tooltip
textStyle(TextStyle $ts) returns Tooltip
trigger(string $t) returns Tooltip


All of the methods return the VerticalAxis object to enable the chaining of configuration options

Alternatively, you can build an associative array, using the method names as keys, and pass the array into the VerticalAxis's constructor

baselineColor(string $blc) returns VerticalAxis
direction(int $d) returns VerticalAxis
format(string $f) returns VerticalAxis
gridlines(array $g) returns VerticalAxis
minorGridlines(array $mg) returns VerticalAxis
logScale(bool $ls) returns VerticalAxis
textPosition(string $tp) returns VerticalAxis
title(string $t) returns VerticalAxis
titleTextStyle(TextStyle $tts) returns VerticalAxis
maxValue(int $mv) returns VerticalAxis
minValue(int $mv) returns VerticalAxis
viewWindowMode(string $vwm) returns VerticalAxis
viewWindow(array $vw) returns VerticalAxis

Chart Events

Enable interaction with your charts through events

Adding an event your chart is as simple as defining a javascript function in your page, then attaching the Lava event object to the chart.

Pass the event's constructor the function name, and when the chart event is fired, the function will be called.

As with any chart customization, you can use the named method, events(), and pass in an array of events.

Or you can add the key 'events' to a config array with and pass an array of events there.


$ready = $lava->Ready('readyCallback');  // Lava::Ready() if using Laravel

More information can be found on Google's Website


$mouseOut = $lava->MouseOut('mouseOutCallback');  // Lava::MouseOut() if using Laravel


$mouseOver = $lava->MouseOver('mouseOverCallback');  // Lava::MouseOver() if using Laravel


$select = $lava->Select('selectCallback');  // Lava::Select() if using Laravel

More information can be found on Google's Website


Event Callbacks

To use events with your charts, follow these two easy steps:

  • Define a javascript function within your page, before the rendering of any charts. In the example below, the function is called "selectHandler"
  • While configuring your chart in PHP, pass the event object the name of your javascript function, as seen in the above examples.

When the chart is rendered, your defined function will be wrapped with lava.event() which gives your function access to the event and chart objects.

function selectHandler (event, chart) {
  // Useful for using chart methods such as chart.getSelection();

Helper Functions

The get function takes a chart label (the label you used when creating the chart) and returns the chart object.

lava.get(chartLabel, callback)

lava.get('myFancyChart', function (chart) {

This will let you access the chart and its methods outside of a chart event.

lava.loadData(chartLabel, dataTableJson, callback)

lava.loadData('myFancyChart', {dataTableJsonObject}, function (chart) {

This will allow you to update charts via ajax, loading data using a datatable's toJson() method.

Ajax Data Loading

Here is an example of how to reload charts with ajax, using jQuery.

Server Side

$temps = $lava->DataTable('America/Los_Angeles');

      ->addNumberColumn('Max Temp')
      ->addNumberColumn('Mean Temp')
      ->addNumberColumn('Min Temp');

foreach(range(1, 30) as $day) {

return $temps->toJson();

Page Script

$.getJSON('', function (dataTableJson) {
  lava.loadData('Chart1', dataTableJson, function (chart) {